About Us

The Skanos story (Formerly MKA Catering Equipment Systems)
Skanos Pty Ltd began its life 25 Years ago with Maurice Kemp CFSP.
Maurice began his career as a Chef and branched off into product developement for a major food manufacturer, creating recipes that are still in use today.
He went on to join one of the worlds most successful international Food Equipment Manufacturers as a Australian National Product Manager. In 1991 Maurie established his own business.
Working through a range of exclusive agencies from Scandinavia, operating under the banner of Maurice Kemp and Associates and then later as MKA Catering Equipment Systems, the company became known as "the Scandinavian Connection". Maurice fine-honed the range to its current cutting-edge repertoire of products that still stand at the very forefront of this industry space today. Each of these ranges were hand-picked, using a set of very simple values to which we still hold true:
Best manufacturing practices
The most energy efficient products in the food industry
The lightest and most maneuverable products
The most durable
Design Excellence
And perhaps most importantly:
The most environmentally sustainable equipment in the food industry
MKA Catering Equipment Systems was precured by Skanos Pty Ltd in March 2016. Skanos carries forward the resolve and determination to strengthen and build the range into the frontline of foodservice industry.
Contact us today. We look forward to moving into the future with you.
Brendon Grosse
Managing Director